Removing Chrome from Wheels: A Step-by-Step Guide(316l vs 316 Ethel)

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Chrome wheels have long been a popular choice among car enthusiasts who crave their shiny and reflective finish. However, there may come a time when you want to change the look of your wheels or repair any damage caused by wear and tear. In such cases, removing the chrome coating becomes necessary. This article will guide you through the process of safely and effectively removing chrome from wheels using CNC techniques.

What is CNC?

CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control, referring to the method of controlling machine tools through computer programs. It allows for precise and automated manufacturing processes, making it an ideal choice for various industries, including automotive and wheel production. When it comes to removing chrome from wheels, CNC machining offers accuracy and efficiency that traditional methods lack.

Why Remove Chrome from Wheels?

There could be various reasons why someone might choose to remove the chrome coating from their wheels. Some individuals prefer a more understated or matte appearance, while others may opt for a different type of custom finish, such as painting, powder coating, or polishing the bare metal surface. Additionally, over time, chrome can develop chips, scratches, or corrosion, leading to the need for removal and refinishing.

The Process of Removing Chrome from Wheels

1. Safety First:
Before starting the removal process, ensure to follow safety precautions. Wear protective eyewear, gloves, and a respiratory mask to protect yourself from small particles of chrome dust that may be released during the process.

2. Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials:
To successfully remove the chrome coating from your wheels, you'll need the following tools and materials:

- CNC machine equipped with appropriate cutting tools
- Sandpaper (various grits ranging from 80 to 400)
- Scraper or putty knife
- Chemical paint stripper
- Durable plastic sheets or drop cloth
- Clean water and soap
- Towels or rags
- Metal polish (optional)
- Clear protective coating (if desired)

3. Preparation:
Start by preparing your work area. Lay down durable plastic sheets or a drop cloth to protect the surrounding surfaces from any potential damage caused by chemicals or debris. Elevate the wheels if possible, as it will make the removal process more convenient.

4. Sanding:
Using sandpaper of various grits (beginning with 80 and gradually moving up to 400), begin sanding the chrome surface of each wheel. The purpose of this step is to remove the top layer of chrome and create a rougher texture for better adhesion of paint stripper. Be thorough but take care not to over-sand one area.

5. Chemical Paint Stripping:
Apply a sufficient amount of chemical paint stripper onto the now roughened chrome surface. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding safety precautions, application duration, and environmental conditions. Generally, the stripper needs some time to penetrate through the chrome layer and loosen its adhesion to the metal underneath.

6. Scrubbing:
Once the stripping agent has done its job, use a scraper or putty knife to carefully scrape off the softened chrome layer. Begin at one edge and work your way across, using light pressure to avoid damaging the wheel's surface.

7. Rinse and Clean:
After removing all visible traces of chrome, thoroughly rinse the wheels with clean water to wash away any remaining chemical residue. Follow up with soap and water to ensure complete cleanliness. Dry the wheels using towels or rags.

8. Final Touches:
If desired, you can proceed with polishing the bare metal surface of the wheels using a suitable metal polish. This step helps restore shine and further enhances the appearance of the wheels. Once polished, consider applying a clear protective coating to prevent future oxidation and corrosion.

9. Reinstallation and Maintenance:
Finally, reinstall the freshly treated wheels back onto your vehicle. It is prudent to regularly clean and maintain the wheels using appropriate cleaning agents and techniques, depending on their new finish.


Removing chrome from wheels can be a labor-intensive process that requires careful attention to detail. CNC machining offers an efficient and precise approach to accomplish this task. By following the step-by-step guide mentioned above, you can successfully remove chromes from your wheels and achieve the desired end result. Whether you choose to paint, polish, or powder coat the bare metal surface, always prioritize safety while enjoying the fruits of your efforts. CNC Milling