Nod brief introduction of fixed position statement quickly

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  • source:ELAND CNC Machining
Sudden drop locates the instruction controls cutting tool to move in order to choose the way of position control quickly target position, its shift speed comes by parameter set. The instruction is carried out after beginning, cutting tool presses the speed shift of parameter set at the same time along each coordinate direction, last slowdown arrives at terminus, if pursue,A place is shown. Attention: Not be to arrive at terminus at the same time likely on each coordinate direction. Contrail of cutting tool shift is the combination of a few line segment, either one linear. For example, in FANUC system, motion always is first the linear shift along 45 degrees of horn, be in again finally some axis is one-way and mobile choose the place to the target, if pursue,B place is shown. The situation of contrail of cutting tool shift that process designing personnel should understand uses numerical control system, in order to prevent the appears possibly collision in treatment. The exemple of terminal coordinate value that the value that the graph nods X of   of   of ~ of Z of ~ of Y of ~ of G00 X of format of fixed position process designing, Y, Z quickly is sudden drop fixed position: The block that nods sudden shift to B from A dot is: Condition of its movement of   of G90 G00 X20 Y30 sees a picture. CNC Milling